August 16
Q Radio Supporting Local Events - August 16
I Care Purple Run
This local run was held in aid of the I Care Defibrillator Campaign and the Craigavon Neo Natal Unit.
Listen to Stevie King's interview with Melissa's Gribben below:
The Hooley in the Valley Festival Augher
Q Cafe Presenter Stevie King attended the Family Fun Day which was held to help fundraise for the Friends Of Cancer Centre. Listen to Stevie chatting to one of the organisers below.
Pride and Prejudice Cast Interview
Stevie King was joined by Director Sister Aengus and the Golden Apple Players from the cast of Pride and Prejudice to chat about the performance with Stevie King. The show runs from 1st - 4th September at Strule Arts Centre.
Listen back to the interview
This is the fifth production by the vibrant young Golden Apple Players from the renowned Hazel Wand Theatre School. They have previously wowed audiences with their productions of 'Fiddler On The Roof', 'The Crucible', 'Les Miserables' and the powerful 'Ghetto'.
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