Watch The Q Radiothon Music Quiz
Join Ibe this Friday evening from 7:30pm for the Q Radiothon Music Quiz raising much needed funds for 4 amazing local charities; Action Cancer, Cancer Fund For Children, Friends of the Cancer Centre & Marie Curie to help families in Northern Ireland affected by cancer, life-limiting and terminal illnesses.
The work of Q Radiothon’s charity partners has also been impacted, with each facing a fall in fundraising income as a result of the pandemic. The work of each charity is incredibly important in these difficult times, with each providing vital services to support local families affected by serious illness.
Despite facing a challenging fall in income, the four charities have been able to continue their services, adapting them to be delivered safely during the pandemic. They need our support now, more than ever, and together we can raise funds and awareness of these wonderful local charities.
To donate, visit:
Here's how your donation could help:
£5 could help Friends of the Cancer Centre provide an activity pack for a child to help keep little minds busy while they wait for radiotherapy treatment
£10 could help provide a young person struggling with cancer during the pandemic with an hour of online support from one of Cancer Fund for Children’s Specialists.
£20 could pay for a Marie Curie Nurse to look after someone with a terminal illness for one hour, in the comfort of their own home.
£35 could pay for Action Cancer to provide a complementary therapy session to someone impacted by cancer, helping to reduce fear and anxiety
£70 could pay for someone with a terminal illness to attend day therapy at Marie Curie Hospice, benefiting from gentle exercise and art classes.
£80 could help pay for a family to spend time at Cancer Fund for Children’s therapeutic short break centre, creating memories together.
£120 could pay for Action Cancer to provide a free breast screening for a woman aged 40-49 or 70 plus, who are outside the NHS screening age range.
£200 could help Friends of the Cancer Centre provide financial support to a cancer patient, to help with home heating bills or travel costs to and from hospital for treatment.
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