Transfer Test: What every parent needs to know
Every parent will come to understand that the Transfer Test exam is quite unforgiving. Unlike GCSE & A-Levels, where re-sits are permitted, you only get one attempt to secure entry into the 1st choice school for your child. Preparation is the key to success, however, preparation can be difficult when the information available is limited, and tutors and other Transfer Test parents guard what they know like it is top secret information.
The objective of our products is to provide great materials to prepare your child for the Transfer Test exam. We were the first company to sell online and our reputation has grown such that we are now recommended by both teachers and tutors in the Transfer Test field.
Hundreds of Primary Schools and tutors across Northern Ireland have purchased our schools package and our practice tests to prepare children for the transfer test.
Helping Kids Make The Grade
Benjamin Franklin said: "Tell me and I forget, teach me and I remember, involve me and I learn." We at Transfer Tests are proud to offer our tried and trusted market leading products to all parents who are keen to INVOLVE their child in their own education. Our product is specifically designed to INVOLVE your child in their transfer test preparation for both AQE and GL tests. We offer practice tests which supplements everything else that you and your child are doing towards their own success.
The choice is yours and as Brian Herbert said: " Capacity to learn is the gift, ability to learn is the skill, willingness to learn is a CHOICE."
Our products are designed to help you and your child make the right choice. To view our AQE & GL product range and visit the website here.
Our practice papers are unique to the market as we supply a 'Schools & Tutors' set of papers and a separate set of papers for 'Parents'. This eliminates the chance of children completing the same tests at home and school and allows parents to further support their child alongside the school curriculum.
Visit here for more information.
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